A Boutique Investment House

Est. 1986 | Portland, Oregon

Ron Sloy seen on Fox News “Providing a Helping Hand”


As seen on Fox News. Robert Bouder was given a second chance with the help of Ron Sloy. After being laid off from his job and with nowhere to turn, Robert succumb to living on the streets until the Sloy’s lent a helping hand. Rob Bouder has now turned his life around. He’s currently living in Monterey, California. He’s an amazing artist and started his own maintenance business.


Rob Bouder

Sloy, Dahl & Holst, Inc.
829 NW 19th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209

Phone (503) 248-9800
Fax (503) 248-7088

The information on this website does not constitute investment advice. Past performance is never a guarantee of future results. Please contact your financial advisor and review the applicable prospectus for each and every investment you are considering before buying or selling anything.